Pregnancy Services
The truth is that anyone sexually active (vaginal, oral, and/or anal) is at risk of acquiring an STD.
The only way to find out whether or not you have one is to be screened. (3) For sexually active individuals, it is recommended that you get screened with each new sexual partner.
Questions to Consider
What STD treatment do you offer?
At this time, we do not treat for STDs, so it is up to you to follow-up with the health department or your family physician to obtain a prescription for treatment if your STD test comes back positive.
Ways to prevent STDs?
Birth control pills, IUDs, and implants do nothing to prevent STD. Consistent and correct condom use decrease the risk of chlamydia by 33% compared to the risk without condom use. The overall reduction in gonorrhea appears to be about 50% when compared to no use of condoms. (6) The only way to 100% prevent STDs is to choose not to have sexual relations until you are in a long-term committed relationship with an uninfected, faithful partner.
What’s my next step?
Call CPC today for an STD appointment where you will be tested for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. If you would like a full-screening of other STDs, please contact the Anchorage Health Department or your personal physician today.