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Know your options


Being a parent is one of the most challenging and rewarding, experiences in life. Welcoming a child into the world means a lot of changes: some are big, some are smaller, some are exciting, and others are scary.

The CDC reports that nearly half of all pregnancies are unplanned. You are not alone. Despite not planning to become a parent at this point in your life, we are here to help you explore parenting as an option for your unplanned pregnancy.

Parenting can be a challenge, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. This child, no matter what stage of pregnancy development, is already half made up of you. Parenting allows you to watch as your child grows, takes her first steps, laughs, and develops his own unique interests and personality.

No family is the same and parenting looks different for everyone.

We can help you navigate single parenthood, co-parenting with the father of the baby or parenting with a spouse. The important thing to remember is, there is no handbook and everything is a learning experience and we are here to help you!

You have many parenting options, and thinking through them can help you create a plan for your future that fits in both a child and other important goals you may want to pursue.

Questions to Consider

How involved does the father of the baby want to be?

Is the father of baby unsure how he can support you? At CPC we have a guys program where new dads meet with male coaches, who are dads themselves. Just having the support of another dad can help your partner support you.

If he does not want to be involved, we are here to support you as well as point you to other resources in the Anchorage area. You are not alone!

How will having a baby will effect my life?

Having a baby will require adjustments to your life but whether you are in school or working, you can parent. CPC can help equip you with the knowledge and tools to navigate your journey into Motherhood and beyond.

How do I know if I am ready to be a parent?

We will teach you how to care for your child and become a parent. Through our Life Lessons parenting classes and mentorship program we can help prepare you to know what to expect during your pregnancy and future parenting.  You will learn skills on how to be a great parent as well as life skills.

In these classes you can earn almost any physical item you need for the first 2 years of parenting. This includes diapers, wipes, a car seat, stroller, baby and maternity clothes and so much more. We are here to support you!

What does your support system look like?

No matter the size of your support system, CPC is here to support you! We have a team who are parents themselves who would be happy to answer questions you may have about becoming a parent.

Two women talking on couch

You’re not alone!

Did you know CPC can help provide you with everything your child will need, up to 2 years old, as well as walk beside you on the parenting journey? We offer Life Lessons parenting classes for both moms and dads where you can earn Baby Bucks to spend in our Mini Depot. Baby Bucks can be spent on anything from diapers to strollers, to clothing to new car seats.

We also have offer a monthly diaper pantry to the community. Our Little One’s Essentials Diaper Pantry is hosted by a local church. They give out diapers, wipes, and formula. Verification of child is required. To learn more about our diaper pantry give us a call at 907-337-9292 or send us an email to

We can also help connect you to other resources in the Anchorage area. If you are interested in parenting, let us help you.  Make an appointment with one of our team members.  We would love to meet you and explain how we can support you.

Some questions you might ask when you come in for your appointment:

  • What kind of support may I have from the father? Might he, for instance, be able to help financially, as a role model, or with childcare?
  • Can my family members help financially, with childcare, or in other ways?
  • Do I have appropriate housing? If not, can I live with family members or with another single mother?
  • Do I know about Nurse Family Partnership, WICMedicaid, and other programs designed to help pregnant and parenting women?
  • Have I thought about how I can attain my long term goals in order to make a better life for me and my child?

Equip Yourself. Know Your Options.


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Being a parent is one of the most challenging, and rewarding, experiences in life. Learn how CPC can help you succeed.