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Free Pregnancy Test! (are they really free?)

Can I really get a free pregnancy test? And a free ultrasound? Even without insurance?

  • Yes! All of our services at Community Pregnancy Center are no cost
  • We offer no cost pregnancy tests, no cost first trimester ultrasounds, no cost Verification of Pregnancy forms, and no cost Life Lessons (prenatal information, parenting classes and so much more!).
  • We do not ask for or need to see your insurance information.

How do we offer these things at no cost? Who pays for it?

  • A whole bunch of very nice people in the Anchorage area provide 100% of our funding. 
  • They contribute because they are community-minded people who want to be sure that anyone who wants to be a parent gets the help they need.

How do I pay for maternity care after the first no cost ultrasound?

  • Here at CPC our no cost medical services only cover the pregnancy test and one ultrasound. 
  • You will then be referred to prenatal care from a physician or midwife, as well a plan for delivering your baby in a hospital or birthing center.  
  • In Anchorage, there are some great financial resources for pregnant couples such as insurance, Medicaid, Denali Kid Care and local, low-cost clinics that offer payment plans. 
  • When you come in for your no cost pregnancy test or your first trimester ultrasound, your nurse will ask you about your financial situation and give you any information you need to start figuring out the finances. 
  • You may also ask for a no cost verification of pregnancy form that you will need if you choose to apply for Medicaid or Denali Kid Care.

Can I also get free diapers or a car seat for my baby?

  • We do have a Community diaper pantry. Our Little One’s Essentials Diaper Pantry is offered monthly at Christian Church of Anchorage, the second Friday of each month.
    • The diaper pantry gives out two dozen diapers, one pack of wipes, and one can of formula, if needed.

What other support do you offer? 

  • We offer a free parenting programs for both, Moms and Dads.
  • If you invest a little time and effort watching a weekly 20-30 minute on-line video and answering some questions, you can earn points to spend in our Mini-Depot, baby store. 
    • The points are earned in our Life Lessons program.
    • This program is available for moms and dads. One of you, or both of you can be learning and earning points to get diapers, a car seat, clothing and a variety of other baby items.  Contact us today to get signed up for Life Lessons.

If you would like some help to navigate the financial aspect of pregnancy, make an appointment to see one of our staff members.  If you don’t live in Anchorage, the website will help you find a pregnancy resource center near you.

Come in and get a no cost pregnancy test and learn about our resources.