May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Your Mental Health matters. Help spread the word about mental health. Read on to get the facts and learn about resources.
The Facts about Mental Health
The statistics are staggering.
- National mental health affects many, yet is not often talked about in public.
- “Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health condition in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults every year—that’s 18.1% of the population” 58 .
- Because mental health challenges do not immediately result in physical ailments, people don’t talk about them.
Does mental health affect me?
- Mental health affects every part of your well-being.
- It determines how we engage in relationships.
- It affects how we function in everyday tasks.
- It affects our ability to make decisions.
Depression is also high among mothers.
- The birth of a baby can be a difficult transition, and hormones can send new mothers into postpartum depression.
- Oftentimes, new mothers don’t even realize they’re experiencing this and do not address mental health issues 59.
Tips for maintaining Mental Health:
- Prioritize your own mental health.
- When you take steps to do things that relax you, your overall happiness goes up.
- Practicing healthy habits, enjoying downtime, and getting out in nature are all things that can help you feel better.
Do you need a shoulder to cry on? Compassionate client advocates are available at Community Pregnancy Center
We offer metal health referrals.
Other Resources for Mental Health
If you or your loved ones are affected by mental health issues, now is the time to get help. There are many resources you can use to find the care you need.
- Call or text the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988. The previous 1-800-273-TALK number will continue to function indefinitely 60 .
- If you’re looking for mental health care, check out The National Alliance on Mental Health website at NAMI has tons of mental health services.
Think you might be struggling with your mental health due to pregnancy, postpartum, abortion, or trauma? We’re here to help you find the best treatment possible.
We offer abortion healing support groups.