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Three things to remember before your ultrasound appointment.

1.   The ultrasound appointment and follow-up takes about 45 minutes to an hour
2.   If you are experiencing symptoms of ectopic pregnancy, call your doctor or go to the ER.
3.   Make sure you drink at least 3 glasses of water about 45 minutes prior to your exam

What is an ectopic pregnancy?

  • Most babies settle in to the middle of the mother’s uterus.
  • If your baby settles anywhere else such as in a tube, that is called ectopic and it is a medical emergency. It is often called a “tubal pregnancy” if baby settles in the fallopian tube.
  • It is important to not wait for your ultrasound appointment but seek immediate
    medical attention if you have sharp pain or other concerning symptoms.
  • According to WebMD, some of the symptoms 57 that are associated with ectopic
    pregnancy are:

    • Upset stomach and vomiting
    • Sharp belly cramps
    • Pain on one side of your body
    • Dizziness or weakness
    • Pain in your shoulder, neck, or rectum

Some other good reasons to call your doctor include:

  • Vaginal bleeding
  • You have a temperature of 100.4 F or more
  • You have been unable to keep down clear liquid for 24 hours
  • You are experiencing abdominal or pelvic pain, such as menstrual-like cramps

Do I have to drink all that water?

  • In a first-trimester ultrasound, a full bladder acts like a window into the uterus.
  • Drinking your water will give you better pictures of your baby.
  • Empty your bladder one hour before the ultrasound appointment, and then drink your 3 glasses of water. This will prevent over-filling and discomfort.

Can I bring my partner or a friend?

Yes, please do. One guest is always allowed. If you bring two or more friends or family members, the nurse may have them take turns.

Can I cancel my appointment? Yes.

Please call us to cancel your appointment if you are already seeing your doctor or midwife, or if you are unwell and need to see the doctor today. You can also call to reschedule your appointment to another day or time if your plans change.

We look forward to seeing you for your first ultrasound appointment.

Please give us a call if you want to schedule or reschedule your appointment.